Beginners rock climbing course

Beginners rock climbing course

“Absolute beginner? Never climbed before? GREAT, we think you’ll love this course”
Stu is a great instructor. He ran a bespoke two-day training for me covered everything I needed perfectly, and more.
Beginners rock climbing course
This course is aimed at people who want to try out climbing for the first time, or who might have done a little indoor climbing.
This course gives you more than just a try it out session. Two days to really gain confidence and enjoy rock climbing to the level that suits you.
We will teach you lots of skills and coach your movement as you begin to learn about rock climbing.
It’s really fun and will be as much of a challenge as you want.
Where is this course based?
We plan to use a real variety of crags chosen to suit your level of experience.
The best location is to be based near Ambleside as this is a pretty central area and suitable for where we base our courses from..
What does this course cover?
Beginners rock climbing is a two day course that starts with the basics. It’s really fun and accessible.
day 1:
We will teach you to put on a harness, tie on and belay safely while teaching you movement skills and climbing techniques on the rock. A single pitch climb is no more than 25m high and often you will climb up and be lowered back down.
On day 2:
We will develope your skills and progress the second day to build your confidence and skills.
We’ll go to a different venue and focus on further climbing skills and some basic ropework to build your knowldge of rock climbing.
What do I need to have done before?
No previous climbing experience is needed. Quite a few clients have climbed indoors before, but this previous experience is not essential.
Who else will be on the course?
The beginners rock climbing course will run on a max 1:6 ratio.
The kit we provide.
We provide all technical kit for the activity. Perhaps you have your own rock shoes from climbing indoors, that’s grat please bring any kit you have. If not we will supply these.
What do I need to bring?
You will need a packed lunch, waterproofs, spare jumper, walking boots or similar and rucksack. If you have your own harness and helmet please bring these too.