
Rope work for Scrambling

From: £420.00


In the past, we have offered set course dates but have generally found that clients prefer dates that suit their diary.
Responding to this, we now offer this course on any 2 consecutive days to suit both your and our availability.

If you have the choice weekdays are quieter in the hills but many clients have busy lives and weekends suit.

This is no problem, just get in touch and we will dovetail you into the programme.


We can deliver this 2-day course for up to 4 people per guide.

Below is the total course price for the two-day course depending on the number on the course.

£420 for 1:1
£460 for 1:2
£500 for 1:3
£600 for 1:4

March 2025


Ropework for scrambling

Why should I do this rope work for scrambling course?

You have done some easier scrambling before and want to progress onto harder routes and learn how to protect yourself and others with a rope.

What does this course cover?

Rope work for scrambling is a two-day course spending time learning rope work skills on classic summer scrambling routes at grades 2, 3 and 4.

We will teach you how to use a rope to safely for yourself and someone else. This includes taking coils, choosing and using direct belays, indirect belaying and body belays, placing runners, moving together, abseiling and down climbing.
We also cover how to choose a route and interpret the guide book.

We hope to cover some classic mountain scrambles like Pinnacle Ridge, Cam Crag Ridge, Slab and Notch on Pillar, Harrison Stickle in Langdale, Easy Terrace and Giants Crawl on Dow.

What do I need to have done before?

You should be hill fit and happy to spend a day in the fells walking. Some experience of easy summer scrambling or indoor rock climbing is helpful but not essential.

Who else will be on the course?

The course will be run on a maximum 1 instructor to 4 client ratio.

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